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What is “Whole Food Plant-based”?

Athletes & people who wants a healthy working body should consume the best and most nutritious food they can get our hands on. The food should both tastes good and feel good in our body. One of the ways to eat high quality foods are by following the principles of a whole food plant-based diet.

person holding two yellow round fruits
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

This basically means eating natural foods which are not heavily processed, unrefined, or at least minimally refined. This way the whole plant is being used and all the nutrients are in behold. Plant-based describes the type of food being used, which means food that only comes from plants. Therefore an exclusion of all animal products like meat, milk, egg, and honey. Instead, you can eat fruit, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains.

There is a bunch of health benefits to this way of eating, the biggest one being the ability to prevent or even in some cases reverse chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, asthmas, high cholesterol, and heart disease. Besides your physical health, you also help lower your carbon footprint simply because it produces way less CO2 to grow and harvest vegetables to feed people, than growing and harvesting vegetables for animals to eat, for us to slaughter, and then to eat the animals. There is a lot of good reasons to start eating a more whole food plant-based diet, both for you and for the planet.

Forks over knives (2017) Plant-Based Primer: The Beginner’s Guide to a Plant-Based Diet.: