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Discover the Plant-Powered Secrets of Ancient Athletes


The roots of sports nutrition can be traced back to a place that seems almost mythical – the Garden of Eden. Legend has it that Eve offered Adam an apple, not only as a tantalizing treat but also as a source of strength, a timeless gesture that hints at the profound connection between nutrition and human performance.

Ancient Wisdom Meets Modern Athletes

This age-old connection between what we eat and how well we perform has been documented since ancient times. In the cradle of Western civilization, the ancient Greeks understood the profound impact of nutrition on health and athletic skills. It was the great physician Hippocrates, often hailed as the father of medicine, who delivered these words of wisdom around 2,500 years ago:

Ancient Greek Athlete

“If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health.”

Fast-forwarding through history, we discover that the pursuit of athletic excellence led to some intriguing dietary choices. Galen and other ancient authors from the third century B.C. shared fascinating insights. Athletes of that era believed that consuming herbal teas and mushrooms could elevate their performance during the ancient Olympic Games. This highlights the enduring fascination with the potential performance-enhancing properties of natural, plant-based substances.

Today, as athletes continue to push the boundaries of human performance, the legacy of plant-powered nutrition is making a triumphant comeback. Vegan and vegetarian diets are gaining recognition not only for their ethical and environmental benefits but also for their capacity to fuel athletic greatness. Modern science is beginning to uncover the many advantages of these diets for sports performance.

The Secret of Greek Champions Revealed

Figs were fuelling Ancient Athletes

What’s fascinating is that the diet of ancient Greeks and Romans was remarkably plant-based. These iconic civilizations thrived on a predominantly vegetarian diet comprised of cereals, fruits, vegetables, and legumes, with their wine often diluted with water. They unknowingly laid the foundation for a diet philosophy that’s resurging in popularity today – veganism and vegetarianism.

Delving further into the pages of history, we encounter a host of legendary athletes who championed plant-powered diets. Among them, Chionis of Sparta stands out. Legend has it that Charmis fueled his Spartan training with mostly dried figs. But perhaps the most iconic figure of this era was Pheidippides, who was one of the greatest marathon runners in his time. Pheidippides completed an astonishing 480-kilometer run, and it’s believed that figs were a key component of his energy regimen.